Friday, November 30, 2012

Transparency Printmaking

I am not sure where exactly I got this assignment from. But it's great for 6th grade. We start off the first day brainstorming about shapes and what they could represent. Each student uses a whiteboard and then we make a master list. Then we play a quick drawing game, where I have them draw various things (a city, a person, favorite food) using only shapes. Their assignment is to then go and think of three adventures they have been on--it could be a road trip, a visit to another state or country, an exciting game they played in, etc. They are to use shapes.

The next step is to choose their drawing and then redraw it onto a piece of 8.5x11 paper. They then place the transparency on top and use tape, old labels and stickers to "redraw" it. We use Exacto knives to make precise cuts (and talk about safety!)

After that, I do a printing demo. We've already gone over vocabulary, so they know what a baren and brayer are (which doesn't stop them from calling it a hand roller and stomper...). I have them make multiple prints because we will alter the ones that are not successful.

This one was my favorite from last year:

Here is an example of the printing plate, a print and a modified print, also from last year. This year, NO CORNER SUNS!

And a few that have been printed so far this year:
The kids really like this project and once they see the process, they really get it. I think I might continue with the printmaking unit and do styrofoam printing next.

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